The Seduction of Unity


Linger here for just a while, descend upon your face a smile.

Seek strength in hurts that cause you pain.  Tho everlasting scars remain,

A vision now is ours to mould… a future that remains untold.


Let fingers touch my golden hair, for in it’s sheen, all souls are bare.

Beyond my alabaster skin, reach for the passion deep within.

Roam down my face, into my eyes… for in my gaze, truth never dies.


I’ve seen your wounds that will not heal, but for this time, look deeper still...

Breathe me in….deep down inside, where little monsters love to hide.

And when upon my lips you pause, know every word is for the cause….

Let their sweetness taste your flesh…. Hunger, want and need does mesh.


Upon my bossom, rest your face… seek shelter there…you shall find grace.

And when in rhythm my heart does pound, you’ll hear it’s voice.  Without a sound

I’ll beckon you, come closer still, for now you must oblige my will….


Unto the nite, you’ll scream my name…. for life will never be the same

Once you’ve had a taste of me.  Unbind your chains, I’ll set you free

To roam amid the darkened streets, where hearts of fellow man still beats.


Caress my skin, I beg of you…… it matters not what race or hue

For harmony is ours to share…seduce me, show me that you care.

My beauty lives for all to see. My promise  - peace thru unity.



                                                  by Kay O'Hara

                                                  Vancouver, Canada



                                  Copyright © 2005 Kay O'Hara -