a Finnish visionary Unity Art collaboration

Jussi Löf (in foreground) and Samuli Kivinummi (on ladder) are seen creating the outline for their collaboration on "Gaia".

"A Passage" by Jussi Löf (oil, crayons & computer)

"Gaia's Mind Transformation" (2008)
by: Jussi Löf and Samuli Kivinummi
medium: Black Light Painting
size: 5m x 2.8m

"Higher Consciousness" by: Jussi Löf and Samuli Kivinummi ; medium: Ultra Violet/Fluorescent Light Paints ; size: 5.2m x 2.8m

"The Gate" is a psychedelic fusion of the Aztec calendar and ancient Egyptian zodiac.
This unity art piece was visioned and painted by Jussi Löf and Samuli Kivinummi.
The size of this highly detailed black light painting is 4m x 3.2m.
For more information on this team of various unity artists, please visit the project site listed below: